Portraits: James A. Garfield’s inaugural ball, March 1881
Portraits: President Grant’s inaugural ball, March 1869

I love the way that old 1800s tabloids like Harper’s Weekly, Leslie’s Illustrated, and the others, long before photographs could be copied on newsprint, used artist’s sketches to capture dazzling visual scenes. The process was primitive and tedious by modern standards. Artists literally had to take their pencil drawings and carve them by hand onto wooden block or steel plates for the ink-slathered printing machines. But the results could be breath-taking, the first time many American’s in their lifetimes ever saw the faces of famous people, the insides of well-known buildings, or glimpses of how the other half lived.
Here’s a nice one: A full-page panorama of the great gala inaugural ball thrown for Ulysses Grant, newly elected president of the United States, in the great chandeliered hall of the Treasury Department in March 1869. It appeared in Leslie’s Illustrated on March 20th that year, drawn by a young artist named James E. Taylor who earned his wings sketching battle scenes during the Civil War.
Click on the photo to see it full size. Look at the detail, the faces, the clothes, the room, and imagine the hours of labor it took to capture each line and nuance. The drawing is so accurate that you can make out individual faces in the crowd, not just President Grant and his wife Julia but also House Speaker James G. Blaine (standing behind Mrs. Grant’s shoulder), Senator Carl Schurz (over to the right), and several Civil War generals.
Photographs and videos are fine, but some of these artist sketches are true Pop Art masterpieces. Hope you like it.
Is this Obama’s “Read my Lips” Moment?
Way back in the last Century, in 1988, 22 years ago (Gasp! Am I really that old?), George H. W. Bush convinced the voters of America to elect him President, defeating Democrat Michael Dukakis in an electoral college landslide, 426 to 111. Central to Bush’s campaign, however, was a single memorable promise that made him a hero with conservatives coast to coast: that he would never, ever, ever raise taxes.
Bush immortalized this pledge in his acceptance speech to that year’s Republican Convention in New Orleans, uttering his most-ever-cited statement, as follows: “Read my lips! No New taxes!” — taken from the Clint Eastwood tough-guy movie “Dirty Harry.” Here’s the video in case you’ve never seen it. It’s a beauty: Click here.
The irony, of course, is that in 1990, just two years later, Bush broke that pledge. Facing soaring deficits and a sinking economy, Bush decided to compromise with Democrats and sign a deal cutting Washington government deficits by $500 billion over ten years. Though it contained many spending cuts painful to Democrats, it also raised many key taxes, including the Federal gas tax.
The photo above shows Bush as President siging the 1990 deal. Not much of a smile on his face.
Not surprisingly, conservatives erupted in anger. “Read my lips. I Lied!” headlined the New York Post. The Cato Institute called it the “Crime of the Century,” and the Heritage Foundation quickly tagged it a failure. Most Republicans in Congress voted no (or Hell No!!) on the package; Bush had to rely on Democratic votes. Then, in 1992, when Bush stood for re-election, the pigeons came home to roost. Despite his widely-admired leadership during the 1991 Persian Gulf War that sent his popularity soaring to near 90 %, Bush’s budget deal and a worsening recession soured his prospects. Television pundit and former Nixon speech-writer Pat Buchanan managed to embarrass him by winning 40% of the vote in the New Hampshire Primary, running largely on Bush’s violation of his tax pledge. In the general election, Democrat Bill Clinton cited it too, and won a comfortable victory in a three-way contest that also included businessman Ross Perot. (click here for 1992 election results.) By the next January, George H.W. Bush was out of a job.
All of which brings us to today’s president, Barack Obama, and his decision this week to join in a deal with Congressional Republicans to extend the large, due-to-expire, Bush Junior-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. The deal contains other things, but none more important. As with Bush Senior in 1990, this too violated a position central to Obama’s candidacy and presidency. Obama has made his opposition to continuing the Bush tax cuts for Americans with incomes above $250,000 per year a matter of basic principle, one widely shared with his supporters. Already, many Democrats are calling it a betrayal or worse.
Will this be the beginning of the end of the Obama presidency, just as the 1990 budget deal marked the beginning of the end for George H.W. Bush? Obviously, it is way too soon to say. Obama still has time to win back his critics, and perhaps even win on the tax-cuts-for-the-wealthy issue itself when it comes up again in two years. Still, the parallel is hard to ignore. Stay tuned. This will be very good drama.
Best statues in NYC’s Central Park: Poland’s King Jagiello, hero of 1410
Six hundred years ago, this man atop his bronze horse in full battle regalia, pointing his dual sabers to the sky, was the single most powerful on earth. He was Poland’s King Wladyslaw Jagiello, and on July 15, 1410, he led an army of 50,000 Polish and Lithuanian knights, cavalry, and foot soldiers against a marauding horde of 32,000 invading Teutons — primarily Germans — near the small town of Grunwald.

Personally, I had never heard of King Jagiella (damn American education system!!) until last week when I happened to come across this fantastic statue of him in New York City’s Central Park. The work of Polish sculpter Stanislaw Ostrowski, it served originally as centerpiece for Poland’s exhibit at the 1939 New York World’s Fair. But the outbreak of World War II, in which Poland was quickly devoured by Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, left it stranded in America. New York Mayor Fiorello Laguardia fell in love it and lobbied to keep it in New York City. In 1945, the Polish government-in-exile agreed, and it was moved to its current spot in Central Park.
Next time you’re in the neighborhood, don’t miss it. It’s at the east end of Turtle Pond, near the Great Lawn, not far from Cleopatra’s Needle, and an easy walk from the Upper East Side.
Guest Blogger: Jim Robenalt on how HBO’s Broadwalk Empire flubbed its take on President Warren G. Harding
Harding’s relationship with Nan Britton is questionable. His relationship with a woman named Carrie Phillips is not. My book, The Harding Affair, discloses Harding’s complex relationship with Mrs. Phillips through the use of over 900 pages of letters Harding wrote to Phillips from 1910 though 1920, when he was elected President of the United States. Phillips and Harding were caught in an age when divorce was unthinkable and there were multifaceted reasons for their long-term (15 year) affair. The affair was much too complicated to caulk it up sheer womanizing.
The Britton allegations are subject to real doubt, as I point out in my book. Ms. Britton lived directly behind Carrie Phillips’s home in Marion, and there is good reason to believe her book, The President’s Daughter, came from her familiarity with the Harding/Phillips correspondence and not because of any real relationship between then-Senator Harding and Ms. Britton.
The HBO series relies on biographies that falsely used the Phillips correspondence. Worse, letters Mr. Harding wrote to Mrs. Phillips are used to manufacture dialogue for Ms. Britton’s character.
But sadly for history, these smears of President Harding distort what he did as President and as a U. S. Senator. Harding was no “imbecile,” as Nucky Thompson, the main character in the HBO series, calls him. As a Senator, Harding courageously stood against Woodrow Wilson’s call for America to go to war to “make the world safe for democracy,” though he did vote for war. In a lesson America never learned, Harding warned that it is not the business of the United States to engage in regime change through the violence of war.
During his presidency, Harding pardoned Socialist Eugene Debs, who was rotting in an Atlanta prison, sent there by the Wilson Administration for violating the Espionage and Sedition Act.
Debs’ crime? He spoke out against the war—that is, he exercised his right of free speech. Wilson denied a pardon even after the war ended. Harding granted it.
Who is the “imbecile”?
Entertainment is entertainment. But playing fast and loose with serious historical figures only diminishes our true understanding of history’s lessons.
For a more, see http://thehardingaffair.com/.
Jim Robenalt, a lawyer and writer in Cleveland, Ohio, is author both of The Harding Affair and his other terrific book, Linking Rings, William W. Durbin, the Magic and Mystery of America.
$1,420 Gold: Headed for a Crash?
This month, November 2010, saw the nominal price of gold blast itself into the record books with a historic new high of $1,420 per ounce, almost triple the price a decade ago. It’s been a remarkable run. Too good to be true?
Before gold bugs get too giddy, it’s worth remembering that this year also marks another anniversary, the 141st, of the darkest day ever in American gold trading: Black Friday (September 24) 1869, when the notorious corner by Jay Gould and Jim Fisk climaxed in a spectacular crash that crippled Wall Street for months, bankrupting thousands, freezing the national economy, and spewing scandal to the very door of the White House. It caused an estimated $100 million in financial value to vanish in a wink, worth multiple billions in modern money.
Here’s a sketch of the floor of the New York Gold Exchange from that day:
Black Friday was not the only great gold market crash in US history. In January 1980, after spiking to $850 per ounce (about $2,100 in modern dollars, still the inflation-adjusted record), gold lost $200 in two days and then lost a few hundred more, sinking to $480, half its peak value. It would take some 30 years to recoup the loss.
Still, 1869’s Black Friday was the ugliest, partly because both the price run-up and crash that year stemmed from the unabashed, garish actions two greedy speculators trying to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else: James Fisk Jr. (below, left, in his ersatz “Admiral” uniform) and Jay Gould (below, right).
Fisk and Gould pulled off their famous gold corner decades before the battery of modern US financial regulators came on the scene: the SEC, CFTC, Federal Reserve, bank overseers, and even industry self-policing groups like FINRA or NFA. Fisk and Gould lost fortunes when the corner collapsed: Even back in 1869, the market was bigger than any two players, though it took the combined weight of the US Treasury announcing emergency gold sales and a pool of big banks dumping gold on the market to break their stranglehold.
Regulators can help, but commodities are notorious for volatility. Just two years ago, for instance, in 2008, we saw the price of a barrel of crude oil drop from nearly $150 in July to less than $34 in December, a whopping 75% loss, part of a sector-wide reversal.
Joe Cannon: A Few More Images
A few days ago, I mentioned Joseph G. Cannon, Speaker of the US House of Representatives (1903 to 1911), namesake of today’s Cannon House Office Building in Washington, D.C., who served fifty years in Congress (a record back then) and was the only Speaker ever to be stripped of powers in a public revolt on the House floor. For me, part of the appeal of Cannon’s story is that so much of it was captured in images: newspaper cartoons, photographs, campaign posters, and the rest. I thought you might enjoy seeing a few:
First, on the good side, when Cannon finally left Congress in 1923 as 87 year-old elder statesman, Time Magazine put his face on the cover of its first-ever edition.
Here is Joe in his prime as autocratic House Speaker, around 1908. Cannon had a face that cartoonists loved: long, angular, big nose, big ears, white beard, and always the cigar in his teeth. He was tall, lanky, and twitchy, a whirl of motion who swung his awms when he spoke. Cannon was a penny-pinching conservative (“not one cent for scenery”) who believed in “standing pat” — his words — and used his power to block tariff reforms, labor laws, railroad regulation, and the whole Progressive agenda.
How powerful was he? In this front-page Washington Star cartoon by Clifford Berryman, Uncle Joe delights in presiding over a House consising of 390 little clones of himself.
The 1910 revolt to strip Cannon of his powers was a hugh public defeat and embarrassment. Here he is after the fight
Finally, here is what Joe Cannon actually looked like in 1910. Cannon loved photos like this, with the trademark cigar, the big top havd, and a grin, his eyes betraying no douht about who”s the smarted pertson in the room.
“Uncle Joe” Cannon, Speaker of the House
These days, watching Nancy Pelosi and her bloodied, defeated Democrats in the US Congress prepare to surrender power to presumptive Speaker John Boehner and his new Republican majority, I can’t help but think of Joseph G. Cannon.

Click here for a few more cartoons and images of Uncle Joe.
Politics Posts

This Blog is about history, but it can’t avoid politics and money.
History shapes our world. Politics is the sorry outcome.
Sorry for the occasional rant.
Obama and the 2012 Presidential contest:
- The Five Longest Democratic Conventions —
September 4, 2012
- Paul Ryan for Vice President — Three quick comparisons — August 11, 2012
- Why I hate this year’s presidential campaign!! — August 2, 2012
- Newt 1968: Gingrich led protests against nude censorship — January 26, 2012
- Why Newt Gingrich won South Carolina and may become President! — January 24, 2012
- Mitt Romney – Part III. The next “baby boomer” president? –– January 12, 2012
- Mitt Romney – Some relevant family history. Part II, “Brainwashing.” — January 8, 2012
- Mitt Romney- Some relevant family history. Part I, Goldwater 1964-– January 5, 2012
- Next up, Rick Santorum— December 30, 2011
- Newt Gingrich as Historian ? –December 27, 2011
- Who really is Ron Paul? -December 23, 2011
- The Killing of Osama Bin Laden – May 5, 2011
- BIRTHERS: Some creepy history, Part I. -April 28, 2011.
- BIRTHERS: Part II: The Grover Cleveland bastards. -April 29, 2011
- Presidents Day: Lessons for Obama 2012. –February 28, 2011
- The one-term Presidents: Role models for Obama to avoid. –February 21 2011
- Congress and the Budget Wars
“Uncle Joe” Cannon, the real ghost haunting John Boehner this summer as Speaker of the House. -August 4, 2011. - DEBT CEILING hangover: A few final thoughts. August 2, 2011.
- DEBT CEILING: Thomas Nast- Who drove the country into bankruptcy? -July 29, 2011.
- CONTEST: Debt Ceiling Russian Roulette! –July 25, 2011
- REALITY CHECK: Two cheers for the Debt Ceiling! –July 11, 2011.
- GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNS: – Who dreamed up this crazy idea? -April 11, 2011
- Congress’ game of Budget Chicken. Does it matter? –January 4, 2011
- On Obama’s budget battle, advice from Machiavelli — January 8, 2011.
- Is this Obama’s “Read my Lips” Moment? — December 7, 2010
Money: - The Hunt Brothers – Actually the heroes of the 1980 silver drama? –May 3, 2011.
- Another silver squeeze? The Hunt brothers return. –April 29, 2011
- $1,420 Gold: Headed for a Crash? — November 19, 2010
- Economic Stimulus? Bring back Boss Tweed — March 8, 2009
- My Prediction: Dow Jones bottom at 6,437. — February 23, 2009
Middle East
- A new Crimean War? Really?
- LIBYA: Jefferson’s war on the Barbary Pirates. -April 4, 2011
- EGYPT: The Overthrow of King Farouk, 1952. -February 1, 2011
- A good moment to recall Egypt’s President Sadat. -January 31, 2011.
- AIRPORT SECURITY: How did we create this paranoid mess. July 13, 2011.
- Re: Michael Jackson — Enough! —July 3, 2009
- Al Franken makes it 60. But do Senate Super-Majorities Matter? — July 1, 2009
- The Bush Torture Memos — April 17, 2009
- Stop the gag order. Lobbyists are protected by the First Amendment. — March 24, 2009
- An AIG contest: How do you spell LYNCH MOB? — March 19, 2009
- Eric Holder: “Nation of Cowards”? Not Really. — February 19, 2009.
- Repeal TARP !! — January 29, 2009
- Hold your nose, but Blago deserves civil liberties too! — January 26, 2009
- Advice for Caroline Kennedy — January 23, 2009
- Gasp! Where are the leaders? — March 9, 2008
- My secret views about the Presidential campaign — February 24, 2008