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Order between now and January 1, 2012 and save:
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Today, a free peek at the opening chapter of Boss Tweed. We hope you enjoy it.
The Corrupt Pol Who Conceived the Soul of Modern New York
• 1 • ALONE
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Nast’s final drawing of Tweed before the Boss’s death, Harper’s Weekly, January 26, 1878. |
Thomas Nast, the brilliant young illustrator whose cartoons in Harper’s Weekly had made Tweed a laughingstock to New York’s illiterate masses, still featured the ex-Boss in his weekly drawings. These days he portrayed Tweed as a tiny parakeet—no longer the fierce Tammany Tiger but instead a pathetic “jailbird” with prison stripes on his feathers and a ball and chain locked to his ankle.
Nast’s final drawing of Tweed, published in January 1878, had mocked the appeals for Tweed’s release by showing miniature jailbird Tweed gripped in a giant hand called “Prison,” ready to crush him at a whim. “[I]f it be right that men should be punished for great offenses, there was nothing unkind,
unjust, or unreasonable in the punishment of Tweed,” echoed a Harper’sWeekly editorial that week. It was right that Tweed should die in jail a broken man, others said. “Without his boldness and skill the gigantic Ring robberies would not have been committed,” concluded James Gordon Bennett, Jr.’s New York Herald. The “finger of scorn,” as Tom Nast had drawn it, must follow him to the grave.
William Magear Tweed had left enormous footprints on his city; he had built as grandly as he’d stolen. His monuments dotted every corner of Manhattan— the new Brooklyn Bridge rising across the East River, the opulent new County Courthouse by City Hall, the widened, paved streets up Broadway
and around Central Park. Just as striking were shadows of his crimes — the huge debt and ruined credit that would haunt city finances for a generation, the broken lives and shattered trust of former friends. Tweed had defined a grimy reality of American politics, perfecting forms of graft and voting-box abuse mimicked by political bosses for the next century, but never on so grand a scale. His fall had created a new role for a free press in the public arena, and his legal persecution had set a tone for political scandals lasting generations.
Fittingly, his most famous quotation is something he never said, at least publicly—“As long as I count the ballots, what are you going to do about it.” Thomas Nast had put the words in his mouth in a Harper’sWeekly cartoon in 1871.
The morning after Tweed died in jail, newspapers crammed their front pages with stories of his life and times. Politicians rushed to claim credit for having a hand in his downfall; only a rare friend dared to wax nostalgic for old Tammany Hall. People bought extra copies of the newspapers to save for children and grandchildren; they sensed the passing of a monumental figure. Tweed’s story would dominate church sermons and saloon arguments for weeks. “The career of Tweed was in many respects one of the most remark-able known to our peculiar land of peculiar institutions,” the Washington Post noted.18 How could one raised so high fall so low?
History would blacken Tweed’s name, portraying him as the worst municipal thief, the most corrupt politician, the craftiest ballot-box fixer—a stereotype used to tarnish entire generations of American political professionals. Already, he’d become a caricature: More people knew Tweed as the
comical thug in Nast’s Harper’sWeekly cartoons, the shameless villain in the New-York Times exposes, or the legendary wire-puller of Tammany Hall than as the vital flesh and blood person who’d walked the streets of Gotham for fifty-five years. He left a strange puzzle. Except for his stealing, Tweed would have been a great man; but had he been honest, he wouldn’t have been Tweed and would not have left nearly so great a mark.
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Washington, D.C., May 10, 1924, four years after the Palmer Raids.
THE DOOR CLOSED and J. Edgar Hoover found himself alone with his
boss, Harlan Fiske Stone, the new Attorney General of the United
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The photo shows J. Edgar Hoover, circa 1920. |
States. “He told me brusquely to sit down and looked at
me intently over the desk,” Edgar recalled years later,
telling the story for the hundredth time. He snapped to
the command. Stone cut an imposing figure. He stood
Stone wasted no time on small talk. Edgar tried to
raise administrative odds and ends, but Stone cut him off.
“Then he said to me ‘Young man, I want you to be
Acting Director of the Bureau of Investigation.’”
J. Edgar Hoover still had boyish good looks in 1924: wavy dark hair, a
bright face, and flashy brown eyes. He dressed smart in the latest fashions,
double-breasted suits, vests, spats, cashmeres and tweeds, crisp white shirts,
like any other up and coming child of the Jazz Age. He spit out his words in
a confidant fast staccato, a delivery he had forced on himself as a teenager to
stop stuttering. He had to be thrilled at the offer. The new Attorney General
was paying him a stunning compliment and offering a rare career opportunity.
He looked back across the desk at Stone and studied the older man’s brown
eyes peering back over his glasses, the bushy eyebrows, the massive forehead,
the receding brown hair.
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Leonardo DiCaprio as young Hoover from the film “J. Edgar” |
“I’ll take the job, Mr. Stone, but only
on certain conditions,” he answered. Harlan
Stone gave a quizzical look. It took a rare
cockiness for anyone, certainly a youngster like
J. Edgar Hoover, to play coy at a moment like
this, on being offered a top Federal post.
Stone had spent weeks trying to decide
whom to pick as the new chief for the Bureau
of Investigation. Scandal engulfed Washington
in 1924, the notorious
“Teapot Dome,” named for the stretch of Wyoming desert that held
one of the United States Navy’s principal oil reserves. Interior Secretary Albert
B. Fall faced prison for leasing these lands to oil industry friends in 1922
in exchange for bribes, prompting a criminal prosecution making headlines
across the country. But the scandal went deeper. Senate hearings that spring
had uncovered a sewer of corruption at the Department of Justice and its Bureau
of Investigation: graft and kickbacks from gangsters and bootleggers,
agents with criminal records, badges being issued to private provocateurs
(called “dollar-a-year men”) who grew rich on extortion, and Bureau agents
assigned to harass members of Congress. As the details came out, insiders
tagged Justice with a new name: the Department of Easy Virtue.
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Harlan Fiske Stone in 1924. |
In March 1924, a new President, Calvin Coolidge,
brought in a new Attorney General to clean up the mess, an
old-line reformer and long-time dean of New York’s
Columbia University Law School. This new man was
Harlan Fiske Stone.
Reaching Washington in April 1924, Stone barely
knew where to start. “When I became Attorney General, the
Bureau of Investigation was…in exceedingly bad odor,” he
recalled. Reaching the Justice Department building on
Vermont Avenue, Stone found himself an outsider,
surrounded by strangers. “I don’t know whom to trust; I
don’t know any of these people,” he lamented.
Installing a new chief at the Bureau of Investigation
would be his biggest step yet. The day before, on May 9, 1924, he had fired the Bureau’s corrupt
sitting Director, a cigar-chomping, wise-cracking former private detective namedWilliam J. Burns. Now,
to replace him—at least temporarily—he had sent for J. Edgar Hoover.
Edgar had no social pedigree and no Ivy League diploma. He had earned
his law degree from George Washington University and his father had been
a mere government clerk, a map printer at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
And he was so young, younger than most of the Bureau agents he’d be
expected to supervise. Would they respect him? Would he have the backbone
to stand up to older entrenched powers? Oddly, Harlan Stone thought
yes.Who could miss the hard work, the professional polish, the competence
of the young man? Stone frequently saw Edgar working long hours at the office,
staying well past dinner each night and routinely working on weekends.
Edgar had a command of detail, an ability to decide questions, and a willingness
to give orders. He seemed to have no social life, no girl friends and few
close office buddies. Other than belonging to a handful of men’s clubs like the
Masons, the Sigma Delta and Kappa Alpha fraternities, and the University
Club, he made his job his life.
And now, this latest wrinkle—the fact that this young J. Edgar Hoover
had the composure and confidence to set his own conditions on the job as Bureau
Chief—only deepened Harlan Stone’s growing respect.
“What are they?” the Attorney General asked.
Edgar had come prepared. As Stone studied him from across his polished
desktop, Edgar proceeded to lay out an agenda of ideas that couldn’t help but
impress even the most zealous reformer. “The Bureau must be divorced from
politics and not be a catch-all for political hacks. Appointments must be
based on merit. Promotions will be made only on proven ability. And the bureau
will be responsible only to the Attorney General.”
Despite his age, Edgar already counted himself a Justice Department veteran
by 1924, having worked there for seven years since starting in 1917 as a
22-year-old clerk. It had been Edgar’s first job after earning his law degree, and
he’d made the most of it.
America had entered WorldWar I during that summer of 1917 and Edgar
should have topped any list for military service. He was smart, fit, and welltrained,
valedictorian of his high school graduating class, captain of its cadet
corps and leader of its track and debate teams. He even led the school’s cadets
marching down Pennsylvania Avenue inWoodrowWilson’s 1913 inaugural
parade. Born and raised inWashington, D.C. in a modest neighborhood near
the U.S. Capitol, a few boyhood friends still called him “Speed,” a nickname
he earned as a 10-year old when he carried grocery bags for a few nickels for
old ladies in the neighborhood. A typical high school report card gave him
good grades for English, French, History and Physics, but perfect grades,
straight E’s, for Neatness.
His mother raised him Lutheran and he once sang soprano in the church
choir, through he switched and joined a Presbyterian church as a teenager,
drawn by a charismatic local preacher who organized baseball games and got
Edgar to teach Sunday school.
But family duty had squelched any thought of his joining the Army in
1917. That spring, Edgar’s father had been forced by higher-ups to quit his job
as a Federal government clerk after 42 years, losing his pension and leaving
the family with no income. Earlier, his father had been committed to an asylum
in Laurel, Maryland, for chronic depression, what his doctors called
“melancholia,” a little-understood, debilitating condition marked by dejection,
self-loathing, disinterest in the outside word and suicidal thoughts.
Edgar, the youngest of three children, became his parents’ main financial support.
So as America went to war in 1917 and he watched school friends ship
off to face death in European trenches, Edgar stayed home and used a family
tie to win a draft-exempt desk job at the Justice Department.
At Justice, Edgar had engineered a meteoric rise. During the War, he
went to work for the newly-formedWar Alien Enemy Bureau, responsible for
tracking German residents on U.S. soil. He earned repeated promotions and,
after the Armistice, won a spot on the Attorney General’s staff, then another
series of promotions in the Department’s Bureau of Investigation. By 1924,
Edgar had climbed the ladder to become one of Justice’s top officials.
He had mostly kept his nose clean during Teapot Dome. As the scandals
worsened, he avoided them by burying himself in the Bureau’s routine paperwork
and a few special cases that caught his eye. By the time the new Attorney
General called him in for a talk, he had prepared himself to deliver a
perfect pitch. Harlan Stone found Edgar’s conditions very appropriate; in fact,
they were exactly what he wanted to hear. “I wouldn’t give [the job] to you
under any other conditions,” Stone told him from across the desk. Then, just
as abruptly, he ended the conversation. “That’s all. Good day.”
Edgar followed Stone’s lead in executing a catalog of new reforms. He
fired scores of incompetents, hacks, and dollar-a-year men, raised standards
for new recruits, and directed his agents to stop the political witch hunts and
keep the Bureau’s activities “limited strictly to investigations of violations of
law,” as Stone put it. In applying the rules, Edgar refused to be bullied by
politicians, and Stone consistently backed him. Stone was delighted with his
protégé. He praised Edgar as “a man of exceptional intelligence, alertness,
and executive ability” who gave “far greater promise than any other man I had
heard of.”
Stone took only seven months to declare his experiment a success. In
December 1924, he named Edgar the permanent Director of the Bureau of Investigation,
later renamed the FBI.
J. Edgar Hoover would hold the Directorship for forty-eight years, until
the day he died in 1972 as the most controversial law enforcement figure of
the Twentieth Century. He would achieve mythic status in America, building
the FBI into a pillar of government, with over 8,600 agents and a budget
of $336 million. His reorganization of the Bureau in the 1920s under Harlan
Fiske Stone drew wide praise. In the 1930s, he made headlines solving the
Lindbergh baby kidnapping case and capturing or killing gangsters like John
Dillinger, George “Machine Gun” Kelly, and Lester “Baby Face” Nelson. He
introduced scientific crime fighting, an FBI National Academy and Crime
Laboratory, Uniform Crime Reports, and a Fingerprint Division whose files
by 1974 held a staggering 159 million sets of prints. In the 1940s and 1950s,
boys across the country dreamed of growing up to be G-Men, portrayed on
screen by movie and television stars like James Cagney, Jimmy Stewart, and
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.
But all these achievements came with a cost. By the 1960s, his abusive
probes of leftists, VietnamWar protestors, and Civil Rights leaders likeMartin
Luther King, Jr. made him a figure to be feared. Stories abounded about
Hoover’s power, how he could blackmail presidents, senators, and movie stars
with voluminous, secret sex files that he kept on so many. Even after death,
his legend grew. Congressional probes would reveal decades of FBI abuses:
black bag jobs, covert wiretaps, and systematic violations of law. Later biographies
cast him in surprising roles, some doubtful, some plausible, from stories
of cross-dressing to suggestions of his being one of America’s highest ranking
gay men, or the descendant of an African-American ancestor.*
* Hoover’s homosexuality, now part of the accepted legend, has never been established and is
doubted by some biographers. The cross-dressing story, unearthed by Anthony Summers in his 1993
biography, has raised particular doubts because it seems contrary to Hoover’s extreme discretion and
self-discipline; its sourcing has been questioned by, among others, biographers Athan Theoharis
and Richard Hack. If Hoover had a gay relationship, it was probably a stable, monogamous, and
discreet one with long-time confidante and FBI associate director Clyde Tolson, but this too is unproven.
Hoover’s attraction to sex secrets and sex files, though, is well established. The possibility
of his having an African-American ancestor, explored by Millie McGhee, is not unlikely given
Hoover’s father’s family roots in Virginia and Maryland in the Antebellum South.
Throughout his life, Edgar never tired of telling the story of how Harlan
Stone first asked him to take the job of Director back inMay 1924. He made
it part of his legend. He required every young FBI recruit for the next fifty
years to learn it in basic training. He insisted that every authorized FBI history
feature it as an icon. No one ever questioned the story’s truth.
But this too, like most things involving J. Edgar Hoover, had a dark side.
The story was based on a lie. In fact, it was Edgar’s favorite kind: the elegant
silence of a kept secret. The conception was not immaculate at all. In convincing
Harlan Stone to give him the acting job that day in 1924, bright,
fresh-faced, earnest young J. Edgar Hoover had cheated the older man.
Of all the abuses bothering Harlan Fiske Stone on that cool spring day in
May 1924 when he decided to choose Edgar as his instrument to reform the
tarnished Bureau of Investigation, none rankled him more than the anticommunist
crackdowns of 1919 and 1920, already known infamously as the
Palmer Raids. They were named for his predecessor, Attorney General A.
Mitchell Palmer, once a leading progressive who now lived in sad obscurity
inWashington, D.C. But back during his height of power in 1919 and 1920,
Palmer had directed Federal agents and local police to go and round up between
5,000 and 10,000 people in a three-month orgy of government bullying.
Many were held for months in cramped, filthy, makeshift prisons, beaten,
brutalized, railroaded, denied lawyers or access to family members, then released
with no explanation, never charged with a crime.
The nation had seemed to go berserk that year, hypnotized by a Red
Scare, with Palmer and his circle fanning a paranoid fever against communists,
anarchists, radicals, socialists, or anyone not “100 percent American,”
as they called it.
Only the outspoken resistance of a handful of lawyers had turned public
opinion against the crackdown and saved thousands of innocent people from
being deported. Harlan Fiske Stone had been one of these dissenters. At the
panic’s height, he had risked his job and reputation to denounce the Red
Raids. Stone had submitted public testimony to a Senate investigating committee
accusing Palmer and his Justice Department of ignoring constitutional
rights, conducting warrantless arrests and searches, and abusing Federal
J. Edgar Hoover had been Palmer’s Special Assistant when the Raids
began on November 7, 1919, and he had his fingerprints all over them.
Palmer had assigned Edgar to run the Justice Department’s Radical Division
which planned and led the operation. Edgar publicly argued its highest profile
legal cases and sat at Palmer’s right hand on Capitol Hill when Palmer testified
about the Raids to two different Congressional investigating committees.
In internal debates, Edgar consistently argued the most strident views:
demanding more arrests, higher bail, fewer rights for detainees, and a tougher
line against anyone who stood in the way. Edgar had ordered Bureau agents
to compile large dossiers against many of its critics, painting them as Parlor
Bolshevists and Red sympathizers, ammunition to smear them at a moment’s
notice. His files covered 450,000 people by 1921, a remarkable feat for the
pre-computer age, and they included many of Harlan Stone’s closest personal
friends, including lawyers, professors, and even a sitting United States
Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis.
None of these facts, though, seemed to reach Harlan Stone inMay 1924.
Instead, as the new Attorney General, Stone got exactly the opposite impression:
that young J. Edgar Hoover had played at most a minor role in the
affair. It only made sense: Edgar had been just 24 years old at the time of
Palmer’s Raids, just two years out of law school. “[H]e was just a kid, and he
always insisted that he was only doing his job,” claimed Ugo Carusi, Harlan
Stone’s executive assistant, “and I wouldn’t challenge that, because I can’t
imagine policy being made by a fellow in his early twenties.”9
Edgar himself would spend a lifetime denying any major role in the Raids.
His FBI publicity machine would blast as a “vicious and false…smear” that
he had led them. Edgar would tell one biographer that he “parted company”
with his Justice Department bosses “in the illegal methods and the brutality
sometimes employed in rounding up aliens [and was] appalled [by] agents who
lacked any knowledge of the rules of evidence and who made arrests which
could not stand up in court.”10 In 1924, he would tell Roger Baldwin, head of
the recently formed American Civil Liberties Union, created in response to
the Raids, that he played only an “unwilling part.”
And Harlan Stone believed it.
To most Americans, it didn’t seem to matter. The world had changed
quickly since the dark days of 1919. America entered the Roaring Twenties,
a happy time of Coolidge prosperity, of jazz, flappers, and speakeasies, Babe
Ruth on the diamond, Jack Dempsey in the ring, Al Jolson on Broadway, live
ballroom music on the radio,Mary Pickford and Lillian Gish on the silent silver
screen, Post Toasties on the breakfast table, F. Scott Fitzgerald on the
bookshelf, and Sigmund Freud in the bedroom. Life was good. People had little
time to care about communists or other spooks.
But back in 1919, just four years earlier, it had all made perfect sense—
the Red Scare, the Raids, the fear. Most thinking, informed Americans
agreed:WorldWar I had ended but the country was still fighting, against anarchists
and communists at home just as surely as it had fought the Kaiser’s
Germany in Europe the year before. American soldiers still faced bullets onRussian soil in 1919 and
Bolshevism was sweeping the world. Anarchists had
exploded bombs in American streets and people had been killed. Radicals
had infiltrated labor unions and threatened to topple major industries. The
country demanded safety and somebody had to act.
A.Mitchell Palmer and his team had taken responsibility. Had there been
excesses? Certainly. But that didn’t change the fact. The principal fact was the
bombs, and the danger of more bombs, and the duty to protect Americans.
Everything else took a back seat.
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J. Edgar Hoover, circa 8 years old, with his bike. |
For the upcoming new movie J. Edgar, starring Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role, here is my favorite picture of the real-life future tough, gruff, civil-liberties-stomping autocratic crime-fighter, J. Edgar Hoover himself.
I spent two years of my life getting to know Hoover while researching and writing my own book YOUNG J. EDGAR: Hoover the and Red Scare 1919-1920, and found him surprisingly sympathetic in his early years.
Yes, he grew up with a very dark side: Hoover would become Director for Life of the FBI, holding the job for 48 years under nine presidents (Calvin Coolidge to Richard Nixon) from 1924 till his death in 1972. He would use his secret FBI files to blackmail presidents, senators, and movie stars, and felt no scruples conducting sabotage, black bag jobs, or secret wiretaps against any person or group he considered “subversive.” By the 1960s, this included mostly civil rights leaders and anti-Vietnam War protestors. He would aid Senator Joe McCarthy in his anti-Communist witch hunts, and remains today a widely hated figure.
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DiCaprio as Hoover, looking a bit older, but still with his bike. |
On the good side, he used his organizational brilliance in the late 1920s and 1930s to build the then-dysfunctional Bureau into a modern professional force with scientific methods, a national academy and lab, a Most Wanted List, finger print files, and a strict agent code of conduct. At his peak, he made the G-Man brand so popular that it was tougher to become a rookie FBI agent than it was to get into an Ivy League college.
How did he get this way? In the photo, you see Edgar as a shockingly-normal boy playing with his bicycle. Hoover grew up in the Capitol Hill section of Washington, D.C., son of a lifelong government clerk, youngest of four kids, a spoiled, mother’s favorite. He sang in his church choir, carried groceries for old ladies, and starred on his high school track, debate, and cadet teams. He made lots of friends. His classmates elected him their valedictorian. He worked his way through Law School and graduated in 1917 as America entered World War I.
Enjoy the movie, and please check out the book while you’re at it.
Here’s a first look at a great new book by Cold War historian Jim Hershberg on the Vietnam War, from Publishers Weekly. Check it out:
Operation Marigold is typically treated as little more than a footnote to the American war in Vietnam, but cold war historian Jim Hershberg, of George Washington University, unalterably changes that view.
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President Lyndon Johnson, who scuttled 1966 peace talks by turning loose the bombers. |
This book delves into every aspect of Operation Marigold, a failed secret mission led by Polish diplomat Janusz Lewandowski, to set up peace negotiations between the U.S. and North Vietnam in the last weeks of 1966. The conventional wisdom was that the presumptive talks had little chance of success, since both sides believed they could prevail militarily and had no reason to talk, which is what President Johnson claimed to his dying day.
Based on his reading of newly released documents and primary sources—including his own interviews with Lewandowski—Hershberg shows that Johnson’s decision to resume bombing Hanoi after a five-month pause caused the collapse of the talks before
they began.
Hershberg also convincingly shows that the Poles (along with Italian diplomats) had authorization from the Vietnamese Communists to approach the Americans to start peace talks—something Johnson and his supporters argued was not the case.
This is a well-written, in-depth look at the facts of a controversial and convoluted peace effort that could have significantly altered the course of the Vietnam War. Maps, photos. — Publisher’s Weekly, October 10, 2011.
Jim Hershberg if also the author of James B. Conant: Harvard to Hiroshima and the Making of the Nuclear Age.
How do you get 1.5 million people to sit through a six minute film on the testy relationship between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass during the Civil War and how it shaped the elimination of slavery? Or get another 1.3 million to watch another six minute film on Nicola Tesla and his early experiments in electricity? Or get another 1.3 million to watch a five minute video about Benjamin Franklin?
Here’s an idea: How about getting the film’s narrator to first swallow down an entire bottle of brandy, or a bottle and a half of wine, and then stagger through the story in semi-coherent rants, occasionally collapsing on a sofa or babbling to themselves, while celebrity actors like Will Farrell and John C. Reilly play the key title roles? This, basically, is the concept behind Drunk History, a wildly popular production of the Funny or Die web site.
Here’s a sample above. Try it out, or visit their web site for more.
It’s always good to find new, interesting ways to tell history, ways that get people to listen and make them passionate about it.
Here’s to a clever idea. I need a drink.
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J. Edgar Hoover in the 1960s, after having led the FBI for over 40 years. |
This month, we give you all things J. Edgar Hoover: photos, movie links, books excerpts, cartoons, and the rest. Check this page for the latest, below:
— Own Clyde Tolson’s actual apartment ! Yes, this is FOR REAL !!
— Hoover: Andrew Simpson on J. Edgar as a student at George Washington University
— Hoover: A journalist’s view — Charles Elliott on searching J. Edgar”s trash.
— Hoover: The view of an FBI veteran;
— Still more snapshots of J. Edgar, including in the White House, 1930s-1970.
— More photos of J. Edgar hoover in the 1930s.
— J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson — the actual photos
— A few cartoons of J. Edgar Hoover.
— “The Real J. Edgar Hoover,” interview with NPR’s “On Point,” 11/9/2011.
— “Five Myths about J. Edgar Hoover,” Washington Post, 11/9/2011.
— Washington Post web conversation on Hoover “5 Myths” article.
–SPECIAL FEATURE: a free peek at Young J. Edgar, the opening chapter in its entirely.
— My favorite photo of J. Edgar Hoover
— Guest Photo: Hoover and Dallas Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach
— SNEAK PREVIEW: New edition of YOUNG J. EDGAR now available on Amazon.com
— MOVIES: Leonardo DiCaprio as J. Edgar Hoover — Looking good so far.
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DiCaprio as J. Edgar, from the new movie. |
“Mr. Black said he had been interested in Hoover ever since his brother gave him a copy of a book called ‘Young J. Edgar: Hoover, the Red Scare, and the Assault on Civil Liberties.’”
— Interview with Dustin Lance Black, screenwriter for the firm “J. Edgar,” WSJ “Speakeasy,” 11/4/2011.
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Hoover in 1924, from the new edition of Young J. Edgar. |
From the back cover:
On June 2, 1919, bombs exploded simultaneously in nine American cities, including one that destroyed the home of the Attorney General of the United States, A. Mitchell Palmer. In the aftermath of World War I, America
faced a new enemy — radical communism. Palmer vowed a crackdown.
To lead it, he chose his youngest assistant, twenty-four year-old J. Edgar Hoover. Under Palmer’s wing, Hoover
helped execute a series of brutal nationwide raids, bursting into homes without warning, arresting over 10,000
Americans and assembling secret files on hundreds of thousands of suspects and political enemies. Hoover
survived to emerge as the most controversial American law enforcement figure of the Twentieth Century, a
person uniquely praised, feared, and condemned.
Young J. Edgar brings to life Palmer’s raids and Hoover ’s coming of age. It reaches the heart of our current
debate on personal freedom in a time of war and fear.
Recently the Delmarva Review asked me to write a few words about the new book by Adam Goodheart, that focuses on the opening months of the Civil War. Here’s what I came up with. It’s in their new issue, just out this week:
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Leonardo DiCaprio as FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. |
The new Clint Eastwood-directed bio-pic J. Edgar, starring Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role as Hoover, the legendary autocrat who sat atop the FBI for five decades, released this week its official trailer/preview. (To see it, click on the image at the bottom. The movie itself comes out in November.) The trailer runs just two minutes, 29 seconds — obviously too short to judge the entire film. But having spent two years of my life getting to know Mr. Hoover while researching and writing my own book about him called Young J. Edgar, I must say I liked what I saw.
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Photo shows Hoover at about 22 years old. |
J. Edgar Hoover casts a long shadow over modern America, and a good, truthful movie about him is long overdue. Hoover was the most controversial law man in 20th century America. He served as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for an astonishing 48 years, holding the post under nine presidents from Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s to Richard M. Nixon in the 1970s. Though considered a hero and role model most of his life, investigations after his 1972 death confirmed massive abuses of power, illegal wiretaps, bugs, break-ins, and secret files on hundreds of thousands of people which he used as blackmail against presidents and movie stars. Hoover stands today as one of the most hated men in American history—a probably gay man who harassed gays, a possible descendant of an African American who harassed civil rights leaders, a top law enforcement official who placed himself above the law and ruined many peoples’ lives, all making him something of a monster.
But in truth, I found Hoover — at least the younger one I wrote about in my book — to be oddly sympathetic. Hoover did not step into the world as an evil villain. To a great extent, this side of him was shaped by events and forces that engulfed him during his lifetime, especially his younger formative years. This is not to make excuses for Hoover’s very long record on the dark side, but simply dismissing him as a cartoon villain and cross-dresser misses the deeper lessons.
Hoover came to work at the Justice Department in 1917 as a eager, bright young man ready to impress his superiors and save the country. Within four short years, he had risen to become deputy director of the Bureau of Investigation and had already played a lead role in the Palmer Raids, one of the most eggregious civil liberties abuses in US history. This transformation — from bright young man to hardened bureaucrat –fascinated me, especially since, to my eye, post-9/11 America seemed to be a period not unlike Hoover’s own formative years during the 1919-1920 Red Scare. It is a core theme of my own book Young J. Edgar, and, based on the trailer, it also seems to be at the heart of the new film.
I have been following the Eastwood-DiCaprio project for months through news reports and Washington gossip. I was impressed early on by two things–
The new trailer released this week shows the film dwelling not so much on the usual tawdry stuff about Hoover’s alleged cross-dressing or his actual fascination with celebrity sex gossip. Yes, he very likely had a gay relationship with FBI assistant director Clyde Tolson, but much of the rest is widely disputed. Rather, the film appears to focus on the real tension of Hoover’s life — his war (as he saw it) of good against evil, society against anarchy, patriots against traitors, subversives, and phonies, all giving him an excuse to bend the law as he saw fit and to hold power at all costs.
I fully expect to have my own list of nit-picks and criticisms once I see the entire film in November. But for now, based on the trailer, I like what I see.